I‘m a Halloween baby.

Literally a nurse dressed up as a witch helped deliver me! Born on October 29th, so close to Halloween, I‘ve always had a deep admiration and love for this autumnal celebration. The festive activities, sweater weather, delicious baked treats, scary movies, costume making, general frolicking, and of course, free candy! What‘s not to like?

I wanted to write a book for kids to enjoy for many Halloween seasons to come! I also wanted to tell a tale of bravery, and sticking up for those more vulnerable than you. If you see something wrong happening, you should say something. My hero sticks up for her new friend and that’s what friends do. I believe in kindness and treating others the way you’d want to be treated. Also, knowing that it’s okay to be scared and to ask for help when you need it.

I really enjoyed bringing these themes to life in this fun and magical setting. A pinch of sugar and a dash of spice… pumpkin spice! Halloweenie is a labor of love, and I’m beyond excited to share this book with the world! I hope you and your family enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!